Semarang City Adopts Greenhope's Bioplastic Innovation for Agricultural Revolution

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

In the face of increasing food security challenges, the Mayor of Semarang, Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu, also known as “Mbak Ita,” has taken progressive steps by launching the “Perdu Semerbak” program. This groundbreaking initiative integrates agriculture in a thousand polybags, as well as chicken and rabbit farming, to strengthen food security in Semarang City.

The polybags used in this program are not just any polybags. Made from one of Greenhope’s products, Ecoplas, an innovative material based on tapioca flour, these polybags offer an environmentally friendly solution that can reduce negative impacts on the earth. The launch of the Perdu Semerbak program took place at Semarang City Hall on Monday, May 20, 2024, marking the city’s commitment to sustainable practices.

The program targets several food crop commodities that often experience shortages in the market, such as chili, tomatoes, and shallots. These shortages not only affect availability but also contribute to inflation in Semarang. Through the Perdu Semerbak program, Mbak Ita hopes to protect the community from inflation spikes and empower them to meet their food needs independently.

Ecoplas Decomposes Quickly

Ecoplas is an environmentally friendly plastic innovation made from cassava, chosen by Mbak Ita for the innovative polybags used in the “Perdu Semerbak” program. This polybag has the advantage of decomposing naturally quickly, unlike conventional plastics that take years to break down. This step is crucial in reducing plastic waste and supporting the development of a more sustainable and healthy ecosystem.

Another advantage of using Ecoplas seed bags is that they do not need to be transplanted before planting; they can be planted directly with the seed bag. This method reduces the risk of root damage to the seedlings and has been proven to increase planting success to more than 90%, much higher than the general standard of only 72%.

Strategic Synergy for Sustainable Development

On the same occasion, Mbak Ita also inaugurated the CWS building of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), which was funded by the Semarang City Government. This building is located in the Semarang City Hall complex, and its inauguration coincided with the launch of the Perdu Semerbak program. The collaboration between Greenhope and BRIN reflects a strategic synergy aimed at advancing sustainable development in Semarang.

Through the Perdu Semerbak program, Semarang City not only demonstrates leadership in urban agricultural innovation but also in adopting technologies that support environmental sustainability. This initiative is expected to serve as a model for other cities in addressing food security challenges and climate change in the future.