Jajaki Kolaborasi, Pt Semen Indonesia Tbk Berkunjung Ke Pabrik Greenhope Untuk Produksi Kemasan Yang Lebih Hijau

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2022

Jakarta, Exploring collaboration to utilise more environmentally friendly packaging, representatives of PT Semen Indonesia visited the Greenhope factory in Cikupa, Tangerang, on Thursday (18 August 2022).  The visit made by PT Semen Indonesia Tbk (SIG) is a form of concern from the company to be able to contribute to the sustainability and preservation of the environment. 

On that occasion, PT Semen Indonesia Tbk, represented by the product development division Anggoro Harry Setyawan, Rio and Oktaria came together with representatives of the Semen Gresik Packaging Industry (IKSG) which is a subsidiary of PT Semen Indonesia Tbk. In particular, they discussed the opportunity to develop packaging that is more environmentally friendly. 

For information, Greenhope is a company engaged in the research, development and production of environmentally friendly plastic resins and bioresins. The company has Bio-based biodegradable (Ecoplas), Home Compostable (Naturloop), and Oxo-biodegradable (Oxium) technologies. 

During the meeting, Greenhope's Head of Sales & Marketing, Arsika Ahmad, expressed his pride in PT SIG's commitment to preserve the environment. 

‘We are very proud that Greenhope has been visited by PT Semen Indonesia Tbk to support the company's programme in realising greener products, as a pioneer in Indonesia that has the concept of biodegradable technology that is environmentally friendly,’ he said. 

Furthermore, Arsika revealed that Greenhope has several technologies from the cheapest, Oxo-biodegradable with the Oxium brand, which is an additive substance added to make conventional plastics biodegradable in nature within 3-5 years. ‘In addition, we also have biobased technology with the Ecoplas brand and home and industrial compostable with the Naturloop brand whose ingredients are made from natural vegetable cassava native to Indonesia,’ he concluded.

Products from Greenhope were created as a form of concern for Indonesia and can be decomposed in nature by natural processes so that it is hoped that it will not add to the plastic waste emergency that occurs in the country. 

With this fact, it is necessary to make holistic efforts from all stakeholders to deal with waste piles, especially conventional plastic waste which requires hundreds of years to decompose naturally. 

‘In addition to carrying out a waste management strategy with the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) we need an additional “R” which is Return to Earth,’ he said. The goal, he added, is for there to be a solution that is holistic (comprehensive, all solutions have advantages and limitations, depending on what plastic waste is being combated) and contextual (according to the climate, culture, purchasing power, geographical complexity and infrastructure of our country). He also confirmed that the Return to Earth concept is a process of plastic waste decomposing naturally in nature, especially for food, beverage and other packaging that is not possible to recycle economically or technically.


Together, let's make Indonesia greener and Indonesians more prosperous!