Held in Cikupa on 06 February 2017 by utilising one of the function rooms in the PT Tirta Marta area, the Greenhope 2017 Grand Strategy was a success. The event, which was prepared in a relatively short time, was attended by all Greenhope - PT Harapan Interaksi Swadaya employees from various divisions.
The event started at 09.00 WIB and was opened by Co-Founder & Chairman of Greenhope - PT Harapan Interaksi Swadaya, Sugianto Tandio. In his speech, he discussed the importance of work ethic in a team. Dependent-Independent-Interdependent became his focus, where as independent humans we must be able to bring ourselves well into our daily lives and work, give and receive help or input from others, and must be able to cooperate with each other in order to create effective, efficient and harmonious ‘team work’.
Tommy Tjiptadjaja as Co-Founder & CEO of Greenhope - PT Harapan Interaction Swadaya in the core session did not fail to give a presentation on the root causes of plastic and plastic waste problems that have never found a holistic solution. This is due to the understanding of the definition of the waste problem that is not seen as a whole. Greenhope was born with its vision and mission as a solution for Indonesia and the world by formulating a holistic definition of the plastic waste problem. A solution that does not only think about the environmental impact, but also has a positive impact on the social, economic and culture of Indonesian society to the world. The 4R principle (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Return to Earth) must be fully supported.
Not only to harmonise perceptions of the company's values, vision and mission, Grandstra is also a platform to discuss the company's goals from a business perspective. Together, all employees with the Management team determine the goals to be achieved and what policies need to be set to achieve these goals.
Grandstra is expected to continue to be run consistently every 6 months to maintain the consistency of each individual's understanding of the company's values as well as a moment of mutual evaluation both personally, and as a team. Then we will meet again in the next 6 months with a new and more exciting story!
Let's green the world's plastic production and consumption together.