Brin Partners with Greenhope to Build a Green Industry Ecosystem in Indonesia

Wednesday, 07 December 2022

Located at GECC or Greenhope Experience & Collaboration Centre, Cikupa - Banten, on 29 November 2021, a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) and Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) was signed between the Research Centre for Sustainable Production Systems and Life Cycle Assessment (SPBPDH) - BRIN represented by Nugroho Adi Sasongko, Ph.D and PT Greenhope represented by Sugianto Tandio, M.Sc as CEO of PT Harapan Interaksi Swadaya.

The event began with a presentation entitled ‘Innovation & Social Entrepreneur: Two Important Foundation Elements in Building Indonesia’ delivered by Sugianto, explaining the importance of a holistic study with an approach that is in accordance with Indonesia's cultural, social, economic and geographical conditions. This was followed by an explanation from the Head of SPBPDH Research Centre, Nugroho on the importance of this collaboration and the opportunities that can be done together with other stakeholders.

After the discussion with the whole team, the PKS and NDA were signed, followed by giving souvenirs and then completed with a visit to the factory to see the production facilities and laboratories. Before the end of the event, NDAs were also signed for all SPBPDH PR teams involved in this activity to support the smooth running of this collaboration.

Greenhope is a social enterprise company that focuses on tackling the plastic waste problem through young biodegradable plastic technology solutions. Greenhope was founded in 2017 and currently has three products available in the market. The three products are Oxo-biodegradable plastic additives, Bio-based Biodegradable plastic resins, and Bio-compostable plastic resins.

Greenhope's commitment to building a green industrial ecosystem that is suitable for the Indonesian context is manifested in a collaboration with the Centre for Sustainable Production System Research and Life Cycle Assessment of the Energy & Manufacturing Research Organisation of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). The scope of this collaboration is to conduct Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) of its three products in the next 2 (two) years.

LCA is known as an approach to assess or evaluate the potential environmental impacts of a product or service at all stages in its life cycle. The impact assessment and analysis will be carried out by taking as much primary data as possible which will provide results that are closer to the actual conditions in Indonesia. This activity also supports the development of Indonesia's Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data set which is still far behind compared to neighbouring countries.

By conducting an environmental impact assessment, these three products can provide quantitative analysis so that it can be used for the basics of decision making in developing business strategies, and for making improvements / improvements as an effort to reduce environmental impacts, and also as a scientific-based reference for stakeholders including regulators.

A holistic study covering all aspects is necessary and very important to be used as a reference in determining the Roadmap / Road Map to support the achievement of sustainable development goals / Sustainable Development Goals. This is Greenhope's commitment to sustainability plastic.