As one of the most important elements in the food & beverage business, of course Greenhope will not waste this opportunity. At the event, Greenhope opened a booth that showcased environmentally friendly packaging for F&B businesses.
In addition to showcasing its superior products, Greenhope also helped raise the awareness of prospective F&B business people about the importance of environmentally friendly packaging. This is related to Greenhope's efforts to make its products a medium to reduce environmental pollution from plastic food or beverage wrappers.
Together with various other well-known brands, Greenhope successfully showcased the advantages of its products. At the same time, introducing environmentally friendly packaging innovations that can support consumer health, F&B safety, and reduce natural pollution.
With the booth stand from Greenhope, it is hoped that MSMEs in Indonesia and Jabodetabek in particular will begin to realize the importance of protecting nature. Starting with choosing packaging that can reduce environmental pollution as a contribution to business.
The hope is that MSMEs engaged in the food & beverage sector can make Greenhope a product to support their business. At the same time, in the future, MSMEs in the food & beverage sector in Indonesia can be more aware of the importance of contributing to protecting nature.
This event was successfully held by PT Indorich Expo Utama as an effort to raise awareness of the business potential that exists in the Greater Jakarta area, especially Banten Province. Which, one of them is the business potential in the field of HORECA and tourism which will work a lot with first-hand food suppliers in running their business.
In addition to showcasing first-hand food suppliers to the general public and F&B business players, the event was also enlivened by various cooking demonstrations. The cooking demonstrations were conducted by Chef Juna Rorimpandey, Chef Vindex Tengker, Chef Yongki Gunawan, Chef Devina Hermawan, and other professional and renowned chefs.
In other words, ALLFOOD INDONESIA 2023 not only provides an exhibition of food & beverages business support needs. But, it also provides an exciting cooking demonstration experience from the experts directly.
Therefore, ALLFOOD INDONESIA 2023 is expected to be a bridge for first-hand food suppliers to prospective F&B business players. One of them is Greenhope who participated in ALLFOOD INDONESIA 2023.